Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 What is "Damsouq"?
Order & Delivery
 How do I place an order?
 How does the delivery process work?
 What are the delivery times?
 How much are the shipping costs?
 Can I also come by and pick up my order from Damsouq?
 Which countries does Damsouq ship to?
 Can i cancel my order?
Right of withdrawal / Returns
 Can I still change my order?
 Is there a thinking period?
 Where can I find the withdrawal form?
 How can I return one or more articles?
 What is the refund term?
 Can I return items that I already opened?
 What payment methods are there?
 What is Damsouq's IBAN number?
Complaints / Guarantee
 I have a complaint, what now?
 Does the legal warranty apply to your products?
Extra information about Damsouq
 Is Damsouq affiliated with a quality mark?
 Where can I find the terms and conditions?

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